Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that involves numbness and tingling within your fingers and can interfere with sleep and daily activities. Diagnosis of this condition includes your history and exam findings in the office, nerve conduction studies, or ultrasound studies.
Once this has been diagnosed, there are multiple treatments for this which include activity modification, therapy, anti-inflammatories, steroid injections, or surgery. Since surgery is scary, our doctors work hard to make this easy for you by offering the newest technique for release.
This new technique involves using medication to numb the hand so you can stay awake for the procedure, visualizing your carpal tunnel with ultrasound, and making a small incision that does not require stitches. Our experience has seen quicker time to work and less pain than other conventional surgery options.
Please contact our office for a consultation to see if you qualify.
Trigger Finger Release
Trigger Finger is a condition in which your tendon is not gliding appropriately and causes popping and locking when bending and opening up your fingers. This can be quite painful to you and limit your ability to do simple tasks. Diagnosis is often made by physical exam findings and does not usually need any additional testing.
Treatment for this includes observation, anti-inflammatories, therapy and splinting, cortisone injections, and ultimately surgery if the previous treatment options do not succeed in fixing your locking finger.
Surgery can include a traditional open approach or the newest approach under ultrasound guidance. After numbing your finger and the surgical site, you can remain awake and visualize the procedure being completed under the ultrasound. The incision is very small and does not require any stitches. You may still require therapy for a couple of sessions to help with straightening your finger again, but otherwise the recovery can be very quick.
Please contact our office for a consultation to see if you qualify.

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If you’re experiencing a trauma, congenital deformity, or overuse injury of your hand, wrist, elbow, or shoulder, the Hand Center of Nevada is here to help.
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