Your hands are designed to perform a breathtaking array of simple and complex tasks.
Your hands are designed to perform a breathtaking array of simple and complex tasks. When an injury or disorder occurs that limits your ability to use your hands and fingers effectively, your quality of life can significantly diminish. Due to the delicate nature of the internal structures, specialized care and treatment of the hands often is essential. Our extensively trained orthopaedic surgeons, Dr. George Gluck, Dr. James Vahey, and Dr. Alan Micev, understand the importance of functional, pain-free hands, and they offer a comprehensive selection of surgical and non-surgical treatments for common and advanced concerns for this area.
For more information about our treatments for hand injuries and disorders, please follow the links below. If you’re experiencing pain, stiffness, swelling, limited mobility, or numbness in your hands or fingers, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with one of our surgeons, please contact us today.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Thumb Arthritis
- Dupuytren’s Contracture
- Fractures
- Fingertip Injuries
- Nerve Injuries
- Mallet (Baseball) Finger
- Hand Arthritis/ Mucus Cysts
- Thumb Sprain (Skier’s Thumb)
- Tendon Injuries
- Trigger Finger
- Tendon & Nerve Repair
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that can develop as a result of repetitive motion, such as typing, which eventually causes the major nerve that connects the wrist to the hand and fingers to become pinched or inflamed. As a result, symptoms such as weakness, tingling, numbness, and discomfort may occur. There are several treatment options available for this concern, including surgical and non-surgical methods that can improve function and reduce pain. Drs. Gluck, Vahey, and Micev will develop a customized treatment plan that suits your anatomical and occupational needs during your initial consultation.
Thumb Arthritis
The thumb is a remarkable piece of machinery; however, inflammation of the joint can reduce your ability to grip and stretch or otherwise impede dexterity. Thumb arthritis can develop over time as a result of wear and tear or in response to a fracture or other trauma. At the Hand Center of Nevada, we offer numerous minimally invasive treatment options, including steroid injections, anti-inflammatory medication, splits, and physical therapy, to help you regain mobility. In the event surgical intervention is necessary, our orthopaedic surgeons are trained in the latest endoscopic techniques and are dedicated to providing exceptional care.
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Though the cause of Dupuytren’s Contracture is currently unknown, this condition is characterized by the thickening of the tissues located in the palm of the hand, which can form into hard nodules that restrict movement of the fingers. As a result, the affected fingers tend to curl inward over time. This condition typically will be painless, but the nodules may be tender to the touch and your range of motion may be increasingly limited. Steroid injections and splints have been shown to help ease the symptoms. However, if the disease is progressing, surgery may be necessary to restore functionality, particularly if your ability to grip is at risk. During your initial consultation, our skilled surgeons can detail the best treatment for your needs and lifestyle habits.
A fracture or break can happen to either the bones of the fingers or the bones on the flat part of the hand, and the symptoms may include swelling, deformity, tenderness, depressed knuckle, finger immobility, or the appearance of an “unnatural” angle. Fortunately, most fractures can be addressed with non-surgical treatment, including casts or splints, rest, and physical therapy. In the case of compound fractures (where the bone protrudes through the skin), surgery will likely be necessary to stabilize the bones. Our minimally invasive techniques can help speed healing and reduce the risk of complications if an operation is advised.
Fingertip Injuries
You use your fingertips for a variety of uses, including opening cans, clearing debris from machinery, and opening car doors. As a matter of course, fingertips are routinely at risk for accidents, which may affect the bones, fingernails, or the soft tissue and cause debilitating pain and dysfunction. Depending on the specific injury or condition, our skilled physicians will recommend non-surgical or surgical treatment options that can reduce the risk of permanent deformity and help to heal your fingertip as quickly and as safely as possible.
Nerve Injuries
The communication lines to the brain, the nerves of the hand and fingers are fairly delicate and can be damaged surprisingly easily, as a result of pressure, stretching, or cutting. When the nerves become injured, the hands and fingers may not be able to move or function properly due to muscle weakness and the loss of sensation. In many cases, nerve fibers can repair themselves with time and rest; however, in some cases, a painful scar can develop. If the nerve remains untreated, the weakness and loss of feeling could become permanent. Surgery can repair nerves by reattaching them or utilizing a nerve graft to join two ends together, and our experienced physicians can explain if this option may be best for your needs.
Mallet (Baseball) Finger
If you cannot straighten the end of your finger or thumb after an impact to the fingertip, you may have what’s often referred to as mallet or baseball finger. This condition can occur as a result of an injury that presses the finger beyond the normal range of motion or another event that leads to the rupture (tear) of the tendon running along the top of the finger. Pain, swelling, and bruising are other common symptoms, and we can perform a thorough examination to determine the true nature of your concern. If bleeding occurs, it’s important for you to seek immediate medical attention to avoid the risk of infection. Most instances of mallet finger can be treated without surgery, typically with rest, a splint, and physical therapy. Surgery may be called for if there is also a fracture or if the joint appears out of line.
Hand Arthritis/Mucus Cysts
Similar to arthritis of the thumb or finger, arthritis of the hand occurs when there is inflammation of the joints as a result of wear and tear, disease, or injury. In most cases, this condition develops gradually, slowly diminishing your ability to perform movement comfortably. If the arthritis is concentrated in the end joint of the finger or thumb, a mucus cyst may develop, which will appear as a small bump on the knuckle. There are numerous types of arthritis, and Drs. Gluck, Vahey, and Micev can diagnose your specific condition and provide an abundance of treatment options designed to suit your anatomic indicators and desired outcome.
Thumb Sprain (Skier’s Thumb)
Less severe than a fracture, a thumb sprain occurs when the main ligament is injured. This condition may present with similar symptoms as a broken bone, including muscle weakness, discomfort or pain, tenderness, and swelling, and a doctor should perform an X-ray to diagnose the concern. A sprain will rarely require surgical intervention, although if the ligament is ruptured (fully torn), screws or pins may be required to securely reattach the tissue to the bone. For partial tears, typically a splint or cast, physical therapy, and ice should be sufficient to treat the problem.
Tendon Injuries
There is a multitude of soft tissues in your hand that aid movement, including the tendon flexors, which run along the underside the fingers, and the tendon sheaths, which hold the tendon flexors securely to the bone. If a tendon is torn or cut at any point on its path from the forearm to the finger, this can make bending the finger difficult or impossible. Sports injuries, trauma, and wear and tear can cause a tendon to rip. The symptoms may include tenderness, numbness, pain, and the inability to bend the finger. Partial tears often can heal with time and non-surgical treatment; however, full tears will require surgery as soon as possible.
Trigger Finger
To bend and flex your fingers, the flexor tendon that runs along the underside of the finger must slide through tendon sheaths that keep the tissue in alignment. If the flexor tendon becomes irritated, the tissue may become swollen or develop nodules that stick and struggle to glide through the bands, causing the finger to catch when straightening or flexing. This effect is called trigger finger, and the cause is currently unknown. In this condition, the finger may remain bent and only straighten with assistance or not at all. Often there is a popping or snapping sound when the finger is forced to straighten or bend. Rest, anti-inflammatory medication, and steroid injections can help to minimize symptoms, and surgery typically will only be necessary in the event other treatment has proven unsuccessful.
If you have additional questions about hand conditions and the available treatment options, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gluck, Dr. Vahey, or Dr. Micev, please contact us today.

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